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Dallas ISD’s Vision



Artwork by Peter Thomas Ryne

An invasion of metal monsters invaded the Jubilee Park community to re-build O.M. Roberts Elementary, the centerpiece of a controversial DISD project. For the remaining families whose homes were spared, the horror only continues. DISD destroyed the community and has transformed its “acquired” (our homes) property into a parking lot and/or geo-thermal fields and has placed them right in between remaining homes across from the school site.

Just imagine waking up every morning – including weekends – to the sounds of major construction, such as roaring trucks, constant sharp metal clanging, loud hammering and banging, and all other noises associated with a major construction site. Now imagine this being right outside your door and continuing until the evening hours. Throw in the fact that the homeowners are elderly and disabled veterans, you have a better insight of what the affected residents’ life has been. These neighbors, have been enduring the nightmare Dallas ISD has literally placed on their doorsteps for years. For all the years these residents contributed and helped to establish the very community DISD talks about, DISD had succeeded in stealing what should be the most peaceful years of their lives.

This unpleasant and painful experience was caused by an entity that is constantly trying to save tax dollars and one that promotes honesty, transparency, authenticity, accountability and integrity but instead used tactics that threatened, mislead and misused taxpayer money.

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