Save our Trees
Music by Sharodin Song titled Save our Trees Some of the trees in our community took root long before the houses were built in Jubilee...

Dallas ISD’s Toxic Plans ~ Video
Music by XMiglox Dallas ISD is poised to unleash its own brand of domestic terrorism on the soil of the residents of our community by way of geothermal fields and a 114...

Goodbye O.M. Roberts ~ Video
Music performed by Silver Mount Zion, Song titled This might be my last. O.M. Roberts was the heart of the neighborhood, which is why many were crushed by the schools...

DISD’s Land Grab Project Over?
According to DISD their Jubilee Park Land Grab project was over… ..but, was it really over? In September Michael Hinojosa informed the citizens of Dallas he...

The Inconvenience of Eminent Domain . . . For DISD
By: D. Hughes October 15, 2010 So, here’s a funny story. Mr. Bruce Parrott, Board Secretary at Dallas ISD, contacted Norma Hernandez, a local community...

J.L. Long Students Learn about Eminent Domain
Ms. Shawn Busari on behalf of the community members against eminent domain visits the students of J.L. Long Middle School to teach students about the concept of...

No help from Jubilee Center for East Dallas Residents
Residents turned to Jubilee Center and Walt Human for help in stopping DISD's Land Grab and for alternate solutions…but, they turned a deaf ear to...

It May be Hot but, the Community presses on!
The Community Members against Eminent Domain are determined to let DISD know they will not give up until their entire community is spared from Eminent Domain. They voiced...

O.M. Roberts Elementary: DISD Seeks Demolition
Despite spending $2.6 Million in renovations, DISD wants to start over. In the year 1909, a great school was built and was named after a jurist and former governor of Texas...

The Endangered Neighborhood and DISD
DISD’s eminent domain target area consists of Philip Avenue, Gurley Avenue and the Vickery Whole Sale Property. Eminent domain proceedings have been filed by DISD against...