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DISD Endangering Residents


White Rock Lake Weekly

June 3 – 9, 2011

Letters to the Editor

~Jubilee copper thieves~

Thieves have zeroed in on the Jubilee Park Community.

A few weeks ago, a homeowner was at work and received a call from her neighbors informing her that she might have a water leak.  As they approached the home, it was clear that this was not just a broken pipe but was a more serious issue.  Turns out, copper thieves had moved into her property during day light hours and ripped her walls apart to get to the pipes. The thieves didn't stop there.  They also tore out the copper tubing from her air conditioning unit leaving her with a flooded home and thousands in damage.

The homeowner was, not surprisingly, very upset about the theft and subsequent destruction of property, but is also upset at DISD for putting her property at further risk in the first place.  Many in the community believe that DISD opened the proverbial door by systematically creating an atmosphere more inviting for this type of theft.  As many of you are already aware, DISD has been on a rampage of clearing out a neighborhood piece by piece through eminent domain and leaving in its wake vacant homes when it seized them to use as parking lots.  It is not surprising that the thieves are taking advantage of this opportunity by targeting the homeowners left in the aftermath of DISD's attempts to destroy a neighborhood.  Unfortunately, some residents in the Jubilee Park Community feel like sitting ducks as they fall victim to these thefts.  We are asking people to be watchful of suspicious activity around homes and to report it immediately to the authorities.  Although many of the copper thefts typically occur in vacant properties, the Jubilee Park area is seeing it happen to their homes that are not vacant as a result of DISD's careless destruction of their neighborhood.  In an already vulnerable time to this type of theft, this is just another situation the community members have to thank DISD for.  

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