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3 of 24 It happened 5 years ago…the Untold Stories


As an Mexican American immigrant, my Mom was desperately seeking to pursue her American Dream.   My mom’s number one ambition was to do everything in her power to ensure that we had a home to call our own, a home filled with everything we needed to live a joyous and meaningful life.  My Mom faced numerous situations and dilemmas that obstructed her path in fulfilling her Dream for a better life and future for us.  Being a single mother, my Mom struggled and made many sacrifices, but always keeping her Dream alive by working endless hours.  Even though her goal was taking longer and seemed impossible to achieve, those obstacles only made her a stronger person that was determined to make that Dream a reality.

My Mom’s American Dream did become reality after all and it had a fairytale ending.  We were all living happily ever after until my Mom received a letter from the Dallas ISD.  You can only image the silence that lingered as Mom read the letter on that dreadful day.  The letter informed her that our home would be taken for a new school, and to add insult to injury, we would only be compensated at Fair Market Value.  This meant that my Mom would only receive minimal compensation for our home.  Our question was “where would we go and what would we do?”  Feelings of confusion and sadness filled our home as the struggle to hang onto my Mom’s quest for the American Dream seemed to diminish.

Ominous calls from Dallas ISD’s representatives were a daily eminent domain threat.  Dallas ISD had us on pins and needles and we decided to join forces with fellow neighbors.  Twice a month we crammed into cars to deliver messages of disapproval for this plan that would destroy our lives, our home and our beloved community.  We delivered messages of alternative solutions to the Dallas ISD to no avail.  It was such a stressful time for all those affected knowing that we were on the brink of losing our homes, our friends and our community.  Although we had hope and despite our perseverance to save our homes and community, the District knew what Dallas ISD wanted and knew they had the resources to complete their mission.   So, it began by DISD taking our land as they powerfully moved on with full steam ahead.  It seemed as if our chances were dismal against an entity that was like a Goliath.  However, our belief in standing up for our property rights and the rights to own our American Dream kept us going.  Many elected officials and members of other communities noticed the unjust tactics and joined in to stand strong against an entity that promotes anti-bulling.  Then, the District began a new strategy to transform a once United community into a community divided into those in favor of destruction and those against destruction.  Again, sadly this was all organized by an entity that promotes anti-bullying.  Slowly, DISD’s strategy to divide and conquer was taking place as more and more homes were seized and demolished.

Today, we give thanks that we are one of the few that could save my Mom’s home.  We give thanks that we are survivors and we give thanks for all those who believed in our cause and believed in preservation.  Sadly, our community stands amidst parking lots and thermal fields today and we remain under DISD’s eminent domain/encroachment threat that our land could be taken at any time DISD chooses.  We live for today and are extremely proud of my Mom and those who stood by her side to make her American Dream a reality.


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